Beam me up Scotty

International Day of Human Space Flight 2019

Spacetravelling; talking about a lifegoal! Who didn't have that childhood dream to become an astronaut?! The Belgian brand Jeune Premier nourishes that dream with schoolbags introducing spaceships, rockets and stars to the playground.

Celebrating International Day of Human Space Flight on April 12th, gets us dreaming of that family trip to the moon. Why not start prepping for this voyage to outer space on the first day of school September 1st?

Space Rainbow
Space Rainbow

We are over the moon about Jeune Premiers compass training, rainbow spaceships, the beams of light when you push the space shuttle… And of course, looks are great, but be sure: the schoolbags are made from 100% water-repellent Oxford polycanvas and contain ergonomic back straps that can be adjusted to the perfect fit.


From Paris to Seoul, the coolest bag of the hour is Belgian. The brand: Jeune Premier.

Hélène Fransen designed the first model at her kitchen table in Ostend, because she couldn’t find anything she liked for her son Ralph. That was in 2012. From that very first model, until now, a time warp of success has followed, positioning Jeune Premier as the most fashionable brand a kid could carry.

3,2,1... LAUNCH!

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About Jeune Premier

From Paris to Seoel, the coolest bag of the hour is Belgian. The brand: Jeune Premier.

Hélène Fransen designed the first model at her kitchen table in Ostend, because she couldn’t find anything she liked for her son Ralph. That was in 2012. For the coming school year, the company has sold over 100.000 schoolbags. Children like the colors, but parents prefer quality. So does Hélène Fransen. But she wasn’t impressed by what was on offer at the other end of the spectrum: boring, heavy leather bags.

Still, she needed a bag for her toddler, so she designed one herself. “It was a lambskin bag with a mushroom and Ralph’s name on it. Four mothers and the principal came up to her on that first day of school to tell her they loved the bag, and to ask her where they could buy it.

Her husband Bruno Piers pushed her further. Why not create four different designs and commercialize them? That year, they sold eighty schoolbags. They launched the first collection in April 2012, followed five months later by the creation of the company. The brand Jeune Premier was born.